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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

One Degree

When two people are dating for marriage, one of the last things they might think about is the thermostat setting for the house. Not like it would be a deal-breaker (unless that's your thing!), but I remember talking about "Expectations" in marriage counseling, and this one never came up...

Everywhere we go, be it a hotel, our old home, even our new home, there is always that one degree difference from being comfortable or uncomfortable. Seriously, it's amazing the difference only one degree makes. Raise the thermostat one degree (75) and Sam starts to sweat profusely. Lower it one degree (74) and I'm walking around in a coat, scarf, and boots.You'd think it was a ten degree difference or something.

Occasionally, I might sneak the temperature up--just the one degree. It's like I keep thinking that one of these days, he won't notice. But so far he's noticed...every time. And I should probably put a stop to it because just last night, when I didn't even touch it he asked, "Have you been messing with the thermostat again!?" When I told him "no," he questioned me with his eyes. Zoiks! Does this mean he's getting hot? If he lowers it another degree, who's to say I won't die of pneumonia when stepping out of the shower? Or catch a cold because my immune system is frozen and unable to fight off those pesky pathogens? Best just give him his one degree and be happy it's not two!
Really, you'd think a person's body would adjust after five years. Maybe it'll take six. Until then, I'll grab another blanket, an extra pair of socks, and some gloves. 


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