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Thursday, March 21, 2013

When Harley met Polly

Polly said, "rar rar rar rar rar!" So Harley did what most males do--wondered what in the world she was going on about.
A couple Sundays ago, we brought home a playmate, friend and sister for Harley. Her name is Polly. It's funny to see the differences between them when Harley was just a pup. He was calm yet playful, very quiet, and a slow learner. Polly is definitely a girl with something to say about everything, ready to attack Harley at every corner, and she's a quick study. She's already obeying the "go potty" command (and she's only 7 weeks). She gets the idea of "no," however she's a diva; obedience comes with an attitude.

Harley tolerates his baths and at times, when the water is just right, he seems to enjoy it. He doesn't love the hair dryer, but he lays there and "takes it like a man."
Polly has had two baths since we've had her and she becomes cat-like. On the bath side of it, she becomes stiff and all Frankenstein-ish. And yes, she thinks she can tell me the what-for. She hates the hair dryer and claws at me to escape. After a while, she decides playing the pitiful puppy will work and she starts to whimper. When it doesn't work, she lets out sharp yells like she's being endlessly abused or something. All I can think is: DRAMA QUEEN!

At times the two play rough together where once again she gets vocal. Harley can get aggravated with her get a little aggressive--I guess even dogs can build steam and explode! Still, other times I turn around to see precious things like this:

And when Harley gets in trouble for playing too rough with her, she comforts him.

The two have the same father but different mothers. They may look completely different and have two completely different personalities, but I think I've found a common gene in them...

With Harley being well trained already, it's made Polly's training a little easier. For example, when I say, "Let's go outside!" Harley knows what it means and immediately heads for the door. Polly is constantly at his heels, so she comes running too. It's been two weeks, so now when I say, "Let's go outside!" Polly is the first to go running to the door! I wasn't sure what to expect in training another puppy, but I gotta say, it's kinda nice. :)

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